Established a meet-up website for EHH (
Reviewed book Creating a life together” by Diana Leafe Christian.
Developed values, goals and covenant page on EHH website (
Met with planning commissioner for city of Milwaukie to discuss EHH
February 2011
Created Vertical Garden Designs with Bryan Bailey and Daniel Edwards
Developed agreement with Vertical Wall Institute in Oregon City for testing a prototype
Became member of co-housing group in Portland Oregon and attended meetings
Reviewed several potential locations for EHH.
Met with a gentleman who has 3 acres of land along river south of Milwaukie on interest of using EHH as design.
March 2011
Met with Milwaukie Building commissioners to review EHH design and determine potential zone challenges. Determined that project is feasible, Zoning is R 1, 2 and 2.5. There are also areas outside of Milwaukie that do not use zoning but do require neighbor approval. Lavina Farms is a good example of tighter density outside of Milwaukie’s jurisdiction. No issues with Solar, height. Will require parking or request review ($1700). City is reviewing building guidance for single and multi-family dwellings and will be published by Nov. 2011
Became involved in giving feedback on gray water reuse rules (
April 2011
Met with city of Milwaukie planning and building commissions to discuss EHH regarding multifamily unit development requirements
Draft of gray water rules were published, they do not allow dishwater to enter into gray water system, flow rates require oversized systems, type 1 and 2 gray water cannot be used on EHHp@ss33 crops. Hookup to city system required, permit for type 2 gray water required
Attended a Urban Renewal workshop on weekend
Held a kickoff meeting for EHH in Milwaukie. Total of 5 attended.
Presented EHH at the earth day festivities at the Environmental School in Portland.
May 2011
Landscaping department at PCC Rock creek may be interested in prototyping the unit
Signed a contract with SEG Works to create a financial assessment and pro-forma for EHH
Attended the Living Building Conference in Vancouver WA and displayed EHH in conjunction with Ecotrust.
Developed an agreement with New Wood products to use their material to build prototype of Vertical Green Wall
Attended City of Milwaukie meeting with developers to vet their concerns
New poster board and literature has been created for EHH
June 2011
Pro-forma has been completed. Price estimate ranges from $250,000 for the 2 story units to $350,000 for the 3 story units.
Chris Langeler has reviewed EHH website and marketing approach and has given good feedback on what to do to attract more attention.
July 2011
Presented EHH at the Oregon Country Fair
Updated website with new information. Have yet to address marketing aspects.
August 2011
Time to enjoy summer
September 2011
Worked with Erica Benjamin and Janice Levenhagen to help develop Living Building Challenge presentation for American Institutes of Architectures (AIA)
Presented an hour lecture at the AIA offices on Living Building Challenges and EHH.
Attended BEST Fest, a gathering of researchers and businesses interested in developing building performance.
Attended the Passive House conference in Olympia.
October 2011
Gave EHH presentation to students at Professor Todd Jarvis of Oregon State University regarding
Created capstone opportunities for PSU faculty interested in finding projects for students at PSU
November 2011
Barry King Construction Company volunteered to create the vertical garden prototype with New Wood materials. Spent 4 evenings detailing and constructing two prototypes!
Attended and presented EHH at Earth Advantages Green Forum
Created capstone project opportunities for urban planning students at PSU.
December 2011
Took the LEED GA training course
Began developing re-circulating shower system.
Found donations of Plexiglas, irrigation system and materials for vertical garden
Working on finding donations for the soil monitoring system.
Met with Living Building Futures and PLUG on possibility of creating a collaborative meeting for living building challenge projects.